Mann, V.A., and Foy,
J.G. (2007). Speech development patterns and phonological awareness in
preschool children. Annals of Dyslexia,
57, 51-74.
Researchers hypothesized that children who failed to master production
of the early 8 consonants had phonological awareness deficits. Findings:
children who made no consonant errors had advanced phonological awareness
relative to other children in the study. Both production speech and speech errors,
however, were linked with rhyme awareness. This association may help identify
preschool children at risk for reading problems.
Link between phonological awareness and speech perception -
differences between good and poor readers may lie in the ability to produce
phonological representations. Influence of speech perception on reading
moderated by phonological awareness. Variance in phoneme identification
accounts for significant variance in phoneme deletion (Chiappe et al, 2001).
Deficits in speech perception play a causal role in the deficient phonological
procession of poor readers and the inability to distinguish phonemes is the
link between speech perception and deficient phonological awareness. Some
attribute it to short term memory processes (Brady et al, 1989; Mann et al.,
1980) others say it is the mental lexicon (Elbro, 96; Fowler & Swainson,
2004). Unclear whether two different impairments or a single common
Study examines processes involving the mental lexicon: word
production vocabulary, naming speed, and judgments about rhymes. Also examines
digit span, nonsense word repetition and PA in pseudowords, placing demands on
short term memory.
Study focuses on speech production in relation to
development of PA. Are speech production problems evident among children who
read poorly or those at risk based on family history. Are children with speech
& hearing problems prone to reading problems?
Studies populations of delayed, normal, and advanced PA
according to articulatory development and also study ways in which their
PA skills relate to patterns of misarticulations. Children w/ sp & hearing
problems generally have more reading problems (Menyuk et al., 91; Aram &
Hall, 89; Bishop & Adams, 1990)
Delayed talkers are disproportionately often poor readers,
have weak phonological awareness, and weak speech perception, though not all
develop reading problems.(Paul & Jennings, Ratner, 1994; Scarboough &
Dobrich, 1990; Whitehurst et al., 1991, Carroll et al., 2003).
Study would determine the set of consonants that children
articulate and describe misarticulations. Many normal misarticulations of
preschoolers resolve by school age or earlier in a predictable way. Most
correctly produce /m/ but not a well developed /s/. produce variants of the /s/
that isn't phonemically salient in target language, (dentalized or lateralized
productions.) Don't usually change the consonant to another (stopping). A delay
in outgrowing normal productive errors may reflect phonological problems
leading to poor PA and rdg difficulties.
Phonological process errors in disorder studies are referred
to as deletion of final consonants, syullable reduction, palatal fronting,
velar fronting, consonant harmony, stopping of fricative, and afficates,
cluster simplification and liquid simplification.
85% of preschoolers (age 4) in Iowa-Nebraska Articulation
Norms Project could pronounce p, b, k, g, t, d, w, m, n, h, j in initial and
final positions. Kids with articulation problems less able to produce r, l, f, v, s, z, Ɵ, ð ( voiceless and voiced /th/) ∫ (/sh/ voiceless as in ship), Ʒ (/zh/ as in exposure), t∫ (/ch/ as in chip), dƷ (ĵ /j/ as in edge
or jump) Normal development involves acquisition of
all major phoneme classes by age 3 except for liquids /l/ and /r/, which are
more likely to be spoken by age 5, except for sibilants [s]
[z] [ʃ] [tʃ] [dʒ] [ʒ] usually acquired by age 7 (without lisps) (Porter and
Hodson, 2001). Their analysis identified 3 types of consonant errors atypical
among preschoolers: omissions of single consonants, omission of one consonant
within a cluster, and substitutions that changed the articulation place or
manner: /t/ for /s/, /d/ for /l/, /d/ for /g/
Dit me some dum.
A particular class of consonants
misarticulated past a given age give rise to the most abnormalities. Those who
didn't catch up in one study (Roberts et al, 1998) misarticulated ethe early
acquired phonemes: /p, b, t, d, k, g, w, j/. They were prone to consonant
deletion, gliding and stopping. Shriberg 1993 had similar results. Identified a
sequence for acquisition of consonantal phonemes based on clustering. The early
8 were /p, b, j, n, w, d, m, h/ the middle 8 were /t, ng, k, g, f, v, ch, j/
and late were /sh, th Voiced & unvoiced, s, z, l, r, zh/. The only
distinguishing characteristic between children whos speech didn't normalize and
those whose speech did was a nonisignificant trend for the non-normalized group
to show lower performance on the early 8 phonemes. Shriberg found 8
sound-change categories that describe over 90% of deleetiona and substitution
errors (over age 3) Final consonant deletion, xluster simplification,
unstressed syllable deletion and substitution (liquid simplification, palatal
fronting, velar fronting & assimilation consonant harmony) Studies of children who had early and
persistent deficits in speech production indicate a trend towards select
impairment on early developing phonemes during the preK years. Patters of
errors suggest no trend toward delayed children using more of some processes
and less of others but do indicate what errors are typical and atypical.
This study questions whether children's
errors relate to their level of phonological awareness and bear any relation to
other phonological skills like speech perception or working short-term memory.
Reading is typically delayed for these children.
Noted the co-occurrence of articulatory
problems with early developing sounds and deficient awareness. Weakness in
representation may lead them to be less able to judge or manipulate phonological
units like rhyming or PA tasks. Advanced children exhibit mature control over
consonant articulation and may possess strong ability to represent phonological
structure and PA.
Hesketh (2000) studied 3.5-5 yr olds with
deficits in articulation (no therapy) and normal scores on language, vocab,
nonverbal IQ and hearing. Speech disordered group had lower PA scores on 5
tasks rhyme matching, word-initial matching, blending phonemes, word-initial
segmentation and matching, consonant deletion).
Statistically sig differences in subtests wre onset matchng and
word-initial segmentation and matching. Older kids with production errors also
deficient in letter name knowledge and PA compared to children who were
developing normally. Preschool chikdren with history of speech sound disorders
shown to have deficient p\PA and LK (Raitano et al., 2004) Rvachew and Grawburg
2006, showed childen with speech sound disorders ahd lower PA skills than
normal kids and vocabulary and speech perception skills successfully predicted
PA development.
Bertelson, et al., 1998; Hulme, 2002; Hulme
et al., 2002; Morais et al., 1986) suggest PA and rhyme awareness skills are
separate processes that make differential contributions to reading achievement.
Foy & Mann (2001, 2003) accord with such evidence in suggesting that the
awareness of rhyme more closely aligned with Ph perception and production
abilities where awareness of phonemes relates to literacy and educational
Hypotheses: speech production linked with
measures of early literacy skills
Patterns of consonant errors will predict
speech perception, vocabulary, naming and digit span, and their relation to
reading and PA as they relate to the representation of phonological structure.
In particular, atypical errors may associate with weaker PA and reading and
language skills.
Participants 102 kids, 7 preschools or daycares in S. CA,
Caucasian, AA, Hisp, Asian, mixed race. Ages 4-6 low to upper middle class,
spoke English as primary lang. 13 children at familial risk for reading
problems compared to 13 others matched on age, sex bilingual status, vocabulary,
and no significant differences on measures.
Subsample of 70 reexamined 3 months later. Report PA and
rhyme awareness measures at time 2. All normal development.
Vocabulary, digit span (working memory), letter knowledge & Phoneme
Awareness (pre-literacy skills), rhyme awareness, naming speed, nonword
repetition, speech discrimination
Results for hypothesis 1: Speech production will be linked
with measures of early literacy skills
Early 8 speech sounds - errors significantly correlated with
vocabulary, digit span, letter knowledge, rhyme awareness, naming speed, and
speech discrimination
Middle 8 speech sounds - in addition to same early 8
variable correlation, phoneme awareness and nonword repetition significant.
Late 8 speech sounds - vocabulary, digit span, letter
knowledge, rhyme awareness, naming speech, nonword repletion, speech
discrimination. Children
Delayed group - (n = 25)
familial risk children - 38% made errors on the early 8 sounds compared
to 17% not at familial risk.
Typical group - n=65 no errors in early 8 but errors on late
8, and some on middle 8. 46% of children
at familial risk in this group; 72% not at familial risk.
Advanced group (n=12) - no deficits on early, middle, or
late 8 sounds. Ten had no errors on Goldman Fristoe Test, 15% at familial risk
for reading problems in this group compared to 10% not at familial risk.
Children in delayed group had significantly lower scores on
expressive vocabulary, verbal short term memory, letter knowledge, rhyme
awareness, letter knowledge, speech discrimination, slower naming responses,
than children in typical group.
Children in advanced
group significantly higher scores than typical children for rhyme awareness,
nonword repetition accuracy, vocabulary, verbal short term memory, rhyming, letter
knowledge, speech discrimination, and faster naming responses.
Hypothesis 2 Consonantal errors are related to reading
related measures
Most common developmental processes: stridency deletion,
stopping, liquid simplification, cluster simplification, palatal fronting,
consonant harmony.
Normal processes that occurred infrequently were initial
voicing, final devoicing, velar fronting, deletion of final consonant, syllable
Special condition of this study: included children advanced
in articulation skills who made no errors on their consonant inventory. Their
phonological skills were significantly advanced in rhyme awareness compared to
peers with articulatory deficits. Superior rhyme awareness appeared to be a
characteristic of children with early control of phonemes that are typically not
mastered early (the late 8 group).
Evidence from multiple studies suggest that advqanced early speech
perception skills predict language development (Kuhl, 2004, 2005).
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